Dear love,
I am utterly confused about your behaviour. What is your tendency? Even geniuses fail when it comes to love! Today I am writing this letter just to inform you that time has come to clarify your stand. There are some unwritten rules & people have been following it conventionally. One of them is only boys propose the girls! Who formulated that rule? Whoever formed that must have avoided a part of people who are shy! Who can love but can't express their feelings. There should be reservation for such people. Same as we see in education system. There should be an unwritten rule that girls should propose such boys.
Love, don't you think frauds are common now a days. People use your name, make relationship & when it comes to responsibility ,they decamp. To me, love means care- you take care of your partner, responsibility- you consider some responsibilities like meeting, calling frequently, etc. , equality- no one in love is superior or inferior... both are equal!, promise- you might think it's a part of responsibility, but it's a different thing. In love, promise is not an agreement or a warranty, but it's a group of words that you would like to keep without any unwillingness, understanding- without it world can't exist! Understanding doesn't mean after break up you choose another girl & I will choose another boy, but it does mean you understand something before loved one say it, respect- you must give respect to your partner, it never means you should add "Ma'am" before her name or "sir" before his name, it says you respect the choice of your partner, keeping in mind that one of them is you!
Recently my friend faced break up. I don't know whether it can be called a break up or not! Because he never knew that the girl with whom he used to chat & dream of making relations, liked him or not. That girl is in China(She is indian) & my friend is in India. We used to tease them in school days... it affected their minds, my friend started thinking of her as his lover & he took it seriously. He got happy when he recieved positive response from that girl! They would talk about their relations, the obstacles & happy life! He was very happy. He happily showed me his message history one day on whatsapp.. he cracked jokes & she laughed... it happens in all the relationships... one day he said- How do you feel when a girl, after almost 3 months of good chatting life, dump you? I got shocked! I got to know that chatting with my friend didn't mean more than a 'Time Pass' to her! At the same time she was committed with other guy.... love, can you tell me why it happens? This is just a small & less sensitive case, there are cases which end up in suicide or murder. Fruad cases are against both of the genders.... male & female!
My mom said love involves risk, as a boy you have to take risk one day. I said-"Mom, I can't. I am afraid that she might not talk with me any more." The reply of my mom is worth noting- "Son, either you take risk, propse a girl & become happy or you regret throughout your life!" Those words are still in my mind! It's easy for many people, but tough for me & the people like me.
I think you will get my point & I am eagerly looking forward to your reply.
Truly your believer,
Darshil Shah.
10:21 AM
Love- I am utterly confused
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