
The philisophy of Hinduism

                             Sometimes, I think how ignorant this entire world is about Hinduism. Hinduism which is one of the oldest religion, is also one of the most tolerant religion. We believe in 'Sarva dharma sambhav" which means equal respect to all religions. We believe in 'Vasudhaiv kutumbakam" which means whole world is a family. We also believe in 'Truth is one, paths are many." So if you are a Christian & going to a church, that's your path of worshiping the truth. Jesus is the truth. His message to the world is the truth. If you are a Muslim & going to a Mosque, that's your path of worshiping the truth. Allah is the truth. Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life. There are no restrictions. We are actually not Hindus, initially our culture was called 'Sanatana dharma'. Sanatana means immortal. Dharma means ethics not religion. Any one, who thinks Hinduism is all about worshiping idols, must change his opinion. Let me share the core-philosophy of Hinduism from some of the holy scriptures of Hinduism.
                            "Life and death, joy and sorrow, gain and loss; These dualities cannot be avoided. Learn to accept what you cannot change."
-the Ramayana   
                             The aforementioned quote is form 'Ramayana'. It teaches us to experience the dualities of life. No man only lives with happiness. Humans have to deal with joy & sorrow. If you cannot change something, learn to accept it.
                             “Yogah, Chitta Vrithi Nirodhah”- Yoga is the control of thought waves in the mind.            
                             Now, we invented yoga. Yoga is the method to stay healthy & if you ask me to explain yoga in depth, I must say- Yoga is the method to conquer your senses. It has been illuminated in Hindu scriptures that before you conquer others, conquer your own senses. Once you conquer them, you will win over others by wining their hearts.
                             “If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive"                         - Bhagwad Geeta
                      It is apparent that only a brave person can forgive. The person who is weak, can only beg for the forgiveness. So forgiveness is an ornament of the courageous person.
                         If I am a hindu, I am a muslim, christian, jew, budhdhist at the same time. I do not need to convert myself. I am the follower of all the religions on this planet. As I mentioned, Hinduism is not a religion. It is the way of life. The way you live your life. Whether you believe in god or not. Whether you believe in idols  or not. Whether you are a Hindu or not, It never matters. It is a relentless search of truth. The ultimate truth as I often wonder is- What is the purpose behind creation of this Universe? There must be a purpose.... Let's find it out!      

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