One of the decisive factor to write this blog, is my love for my country. I want my country to become a super-power. It's not just me, there are millions of Youngsters want the same. The country which had economy of 90 billion dollars around the time of 1800s, is now one of the poorest country in the world & nothing can be more piteous than that.I don't know why our electric media & press are so dumb! How can they call our corrupt & guileful politicians "leaders"? I would never call them even politicians, considering the way some of them are alleged for their deviltry. All the politicians are not abominable. Some of them are hailed as "Great & Honest", too.
Where golden birds used to live, where soil produces diamonds & pearls in abundance, today the same land & soil are victim of corruption. Thousands of billions of Rupees are involved in such scams of coal & land distribution.
India is the country where people are united, though diverse in different religions. We & world call it "Unity in diversity". I consider it as one of the biggest prevarication. Nothing can be more untrue than this particular "fact". We have been in delusion, however, at the time of Indo-Pak partition , it is said that 10,00,000 ( Yes, it's 1 Million!) people were killed in riots. I am not in favor of those orthodox or zealots who want our nation to become a "Hindu nation". But at least, we should contemplate this problem, then & only we will be able to solve it. Why different religions are abhorrent to each other? Why they quarrel with each other? Just for religions & gods? How such people can be entitled as, who think that different religions have different gods? Are they mentally sick or numbskulls?
Actually, we have been using wrong phrases in a democracy. We say "Congress party is ruling over India." This is absolutely wrong. How can a government rule in democracy? We should change our approach. "Congress government is serving our nation" is perfect. Instead of "Ruling party", we should say "Serving Party". & this change should be made as soon as possible. Change should happen from foundation, Because when foundation is week, no matter how strong building is, it can not stand tall for a long time.
Media should take certain responsibilities. Media has immense power to show mirror to any government.The greater the power you possess, the more possibility of misuse. Many leading news channel anchors & reporters are involved in corruption. They shape news conforming with the political needs & requirements of politicians. Which ultimately misleads the people. I have seen many news anchors & even editors, admitting that they were pressurized at times.

Finely our education system. Huhhhh.... The great country where Aarya Bhatt, Shridhar, Panini, Chanakya, Brahmgupt, Kanad, Varahmihir, Bhaskar, Charak, Sushrut, Brahmdev, Shripati, Achyut pishatarui, Nilkhanth Somyaji & many more innumerable scholars were born, has today bafflingly no one who can be addressed as their scion. Just owing to our Education system! Do you know the origin of our education system?? Mr. Thomas Babington Macauly, The member of advisor committee of British-hind Governor General, Brought in new education system for Indians, because British did not need people with independent thoughts & believes. They just needed "Trained" people, who can work according to the orders! People with independent & intellectual ideology may lead to the protests against British rulers. That's why they came out with an educational system, which just produces "trained" people, who can not be compared at all with the greatest Indian scholars, I mentioned above. Still today we are following almost the same system that British people brought in before they left India. There are very minor change, so for god's sake, Don't argue that this particular Indian has achieved this & that. There are great Indians, but still you can't compare them with greatest ancient Indian scholars. I would like to suggest Discovery, History, National Geographic or any other channel, Research on these great Indian scholars & launch a series of episodes that describes their true intelligence, imagination, accomplishments & perspicacity. There are so many points, but putting end to this article as always. Share this article to make government helpless & consequently have to make concrete changes(Am I Expecting too much from busy Indians?). Thank you.